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Italian Gourmet Foods

Tomato, Capers, and Olive Sauce

Richness through simplicity. This caper and olive tomato sauce by Cascina San Cassiano is an authentic delicacy that reproduces the best of the traditional Italian kitchen. Tomato is king here, and olive queen, for a flavor-packed experience. Serve with generous amounts of grated cheese and red chili flakes for an extra kick.

The Artisan: Cascina San Cassiano

Made in Italy GMO Free

Richness through simplicity. This caper and olive tomato sauce by Cascina San Cassiano is an authentic delicacy that reproduces the best of the traditional Italian kitchen. Tomato is king here, and olive queen, for a flavor-packed experience. Serve with generous amounts of grated cheese and red chili flakes for an extra kick.

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