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La Via del Tè

La Via del Tè

La Via Del Tè was created in 1961 through the entrepreneurial spirit of a young Alfredo Carrai. Fascinated by the world of tea, despite his tender age, he threw himself into the challenge of introducing Italy to the consumption and culture of a drink that was practically unknown there at the time. 
La Via del Tè
La Via del Tè

Made in Tuscany

One of Italy’s most fabled regions, Tuscany is known for its artistic legacy and gorgeous natural landscapes; its seven World Heritage Sites can attest to this. In this gastronomic paradise, the popularity of its teas has grown over the years - we can thank Alfredo for that.

La Via del Tè

Global Inspiration

Alfredo journeyed to China many times in search of the rarest and finest harvests. Even the name of the company honors this global influence: it’s a tribute to the Japanese tradition of Chadō, which literally translates to “La Via Del Tè”.

Family First

La Via del Tè

Today, La Via Del Tè remains a family affair with each of Alfredo’s six children leading a different charge within the business. From sourcing the best tea leaves to blending and packaging, all steps are carried out with care and a remarkable appreciation for the drink’s origins.

La Via del Tè
La Via del Tè

They continue to offer new products every year, reflecting their belief that tea is a daily pleasure and every cup is a new experience.

La Via del Tè

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