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The Top 10 Ways to Say Thank You in Business

The Top 10 Ways to Say Thank You in Business

Thank you gifts are the perfect opportunity to show your appreciation to a customer or reward the achievement of any employee. While there are many ways to say thank you with gift baskets, you want your gift to stand out. Why? Because gift-giving in business is more than just a polite gesture, it demonstrates how much you value the relationship. It provides you with a chance to ensure loyalty, repeat business, and referrals. After all, happy customers stick around, and by increasing customer retention by just 5% you can expect a healthy return.

But when saying thank you, don’t go the road of average. Corporate gifts don’t have to be boring or standard. Instead, they should be genuine, memorable, and useful for your customer.

Let’s look at some unique ways to say thank you in business.

1. Include a personal note

Most gift baskets offer you the option to send a thank you card. However, most likely, those aren’t personalized and may include the trite words of “thank you for your business.” This generic template isn’t going to instill loyalty. Adding a personal note, typically handwritten, makes the thank you gift more special. Adding in specific things related to their experience lets them know you choose it just for them.

2. Recognize their success

In saying thank you, it’s important to recognize the success of your customer or employee. While your company was a part of that success, it’s not about you. When creating a memorable corporate gift, keep the focus on what they’ve achieved.

3. Choose gifts that reflect their preferences

You should have a good handle on the preferences of your high-profile clients and employees, so let that lead you when choosing a gift basket. For example, a gift of certain foods that they have an allergy or aversion to is going to be memorable for all the wrong reasons. Keep this in mind when selecting your gift basket items.

4. Find things they can’t just get anywhere

Your clients are successful and sophisticated. They have no problem getting things that are easily available. What they may not have access to are artisanal items from abroad, handcrafted by small shops. In fact, it may be impossible to get these items unless they visit the shop themselves. This exclusivity factor can make a lasting impression.

5. Make sure the presentation is top-notch

You may select some of the finest items for your thank you gift, but if the basket arrives looking unorganized or generic, they won’t be impressed. Instead, choose pieces that have modern packaging that also provides you the opportunity to add branding in a tasteful manner.

6. Focus on fresh

A gift basket, no matter how beautiful it looks, won’t be a satisfying gift if it lacks freshness. How unfortunate would it be for the food items to arrive stale? When working with a gift basket provider, ask questions about freshness, so this doesn’t occur.

7. Inject some cultural sophistication into your gift

When curating a gift basket for clients, it’s nice to add cultural flair. Gifts from around the world demonstrate the refinement of your company and elevate the typical corporate gift from boring to intriguing.

8. Give thank you gifts that express passion

When you give gifts that are made with passion, it shows. Local artisans that handcraft their items from scratch are motivated by developing something delicious and authentic. If you were just to wrap up a gift basket with standard items, there’s no flicker of passion, and your gift may fall flat.

9. Create a desire for learning more

If your thank you gift inhibits all the attributes of being unique and authentic, then your customers may desire to learn more. Maybe they look up the small shop in Italy where the food items are made and learn their story and process. Your gift has become more than just the delicious taste; it’s become an experience.

10. Think quality over quantity

More isn’t always better. While you could give customers a huge basket to say thanks, the size of it isn’t likely to be memorable. Rather, choose fewer items of the highest quality as an expression of how special their relationship is to your business. When they receive quality goods, they’ll savor them.

Saying thank you in business is vital to developing stronger relationships and acknowledging your customer’s value. To find the best gifts for your customers or employees, check out our carefully curated selection of gift boxes today.