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Aristan Gift Baskets

Ursini is a family before a company. A family whose destiny is written in its nickname: “Putì” which means “olive pruner.” As early as the nineteenth century, members of the family were considered masters, and their advice on caring for olive groves was sought after across Abruzzo.
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Aristan Gift Baskets

Made in Abruzzo

In the heart of Abruzzo, Fossacesia is a land in which the calling has always been olive growing. Here, the quality of life and ancient values allow for no compromises, exactly like Ursini production.

Aristan Gift Baskets

Masters of the Olive

In 1991, Giuseppe Ursini became a member of the Corporazione dei Mastri Oleari, an organization dating back to the fourteenth century that brings together various professionals focused on the protection, improvement and dissemination of olive products and processing systems.

A Process Perfected by Time

Aristan Gift Baskets

Today, the rich knowledge of the Ursini has expanded into a variety of means of producing oil. They have four secrets to their great products: their carefully selected raw materials, their respect for the seasonality of the products, their technologies and techniques, and the originality of their recipes. Ursini wants to share with you their uncompromising offer of absolute quality which allows the freshness of their world-class resources to be enjoyed year-round.

Aristan Gift Baskets

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