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Italian Pantry Staples

Rigatoni by Pastificio Mancini

Another fantastic creation stemming from Pastificio Mancini's golden wheat fields is Rigatoni pasta. Named after the word "Rigato" meaning "Ridged", this pasta’s ridges perfectly capture a coating of the pasta sauce to form the perfect bite. The pasta’s larger form also makes each bite supremely satisfying and opens your appetite for more. 

The Artisan: Pastificio Mancini

Made in Italy GMO Free

Another fantastic creation stemming from Pastificio Mancini's golden wheat fields is Rigatoni pasta. Named after the word "Rigato" meaning "Ridged", this pasta’s ridges perfectly capture a coating of the pasta sauce to form the perfect bite. The pasta’s larger form also makes each bite supremely satisfying and opens your appetite for more. 

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